Sometimes, the photos we take are less than perfect due to poor climate and light conditions. This program allows you to make corrections to your images quickly and in a very simple way. If you have never used an image editing program, then you may find the tutorial series included in this program's startup screen useful. If you are familiarized with this type of software, then you can jump directly to the main screen and open the photo you want to edit.
In the right panel, the program shows a series of icons representing different functions. Using them, you can crop your image, change its size, add text, rotate, and make adjustments. This last option is subdivided into Brightness, Contrast, Gamma and Saturation. Each of these functions allows you to individually adjust the different color channels of the photo, thus letting you to make precise correction, thus giving you more control on the final result.
The program also features a button that lets you switch between the original image and the edited one, thus allowing you to compare both and decide if you want to make further changes.
The shareware version is fully functional, but it only lets you save the resulting image in a proprietary format. If you want to get rid of this limitation, then you will need to purchase a license.